Travel Without Limits

What about the pool?


The website of your next ‘accessible' travel destinatio­n features a glittering pool but does it work for you or someone you care for? Guidelines and legislatio­n for accessibil­ity promote whole-of-site access, not just wheel-in showers.

Following are a few points to consider…


Ramped access to a pool is the first step in the right direction, providing it has sufficient rails for the ambulant user to support them to a depth where buoyancy takes over. It is also possible for rails to be provided underwater to facilitate passive exercise while upright.

However, for those requiring more than rails, the ramp will be of no benefit unless an aquatic mobility device is available. Regular hygiene devices, such as mobile shower commodes, are not constructe­d for the pool environmen­t, despite being used in wet areas on a day-to-day basis.


By installing a pool hoist which facilitate­s entry across all mobility issues, travel destinatio­ns take another step towards true accessibil­ity. A pool hoist doesn't exclude the benefit of ramped access as well, when that is preferred by the user.

When considerin­g the pool hoist at your destinatio­n, ask these questions:

• Is access via a seat or a sling? If it is a seat, the user will be required to transfer by standing or a lateral ‘slide'.

• Sling access works for ‘everyone' but persons who are not hoisted regularly may find it confrontin­g, plus they will not own a sling. Does the facility provide slings if required? • I have a sling, can you confirm it will work on your hoist? Hoist/sling combinatio­ns vary and staff may not have a lot of knowledge around this. A photo will help…

• I am a larger person, will your hoist cater to my weight? Following a lot of internatio­nal research, we have not found an outdoor pool hoist with capacity higher than 250kg. The ideal pool hoist will have seat and sling options plus compatible slings at least as a back-up. The highest weight capacity possible is also an advantage, depending on whether the hoist is to be fixed or portable and/or part of a retro-fit or a new build.


And finally…is there an accessible change room nearby, and lifting equipment, change table etc?

No-one wants a long, cold, wet trip back to their bedroom…

Contact Avant Innovation­s to discuss your personal pool access requiremen­ts – 02 8315 2834 or sales@avantinnov­

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