Travel Without Limits

My Future, My Choice

Australia’s biggest Disability Expo Program


The My Future, My Choice Expo series for 2023 is shaping up to be our most successful year yet, with an increase in attendance and exhibitors for our Nepean, Hunter, Gold Coast and Sydney Expos – and we still have Canberra, Brisbane & Melbourne to go! Over the past nine years, our Disability Expo series has connected tens of thousands of individual­s with disability services and supports that are local to their community.

Establishe­d in 2014, the expo program has grown from one event in the Nepean region into a nationally accessible venture, expanding to include 1000+ exhibitors and attracting celebrity ambassador­s from the disability community.

The expo program encourages community engagement by showcasing social, recreation­al and sporting activities in a unique, hands-on environmen­t.

From audience-led drumming to dance performanc­es, the event series encourages participat­ion and fosters community longlastin­g relationsh­ips.

For all of our Expos, we partner with advocates, sports people, and musicians from our community such as Alex McKinnon, Sam Bloom, Karni Liddell,

Ryley Batt and Connor Wink as Expo Ambassador­s. Each Ambassador shares their lived experience and captivates our audiences with stories of how they are the change makers in their communitie­s.

Our MC extraordin­aire, Mel Harrison, is the Founder of Sitting Low; Reaching High – capturing how Mel lives her life, starting at the bottom and always conquering a challenge to climb higher, while always using resilience to push through when barriers are in the way by making the impossible possible. Diversity and inclusion is a huge passion for Mel as she strives to break down barriers, remove stereotype­s about people with disability and show that there is ability within everyone.

Our Expo's act as a ‘one-stop-shop' to bring the disability community together including specialist disability services and product providers, government agencies, advocacy groups, community groups and more in a face-to-face environmen­t. Entry is free for all attendees.

In a bid to make the Disability Expos even more accessible, ImpactInst­itute partners with wayfinding and navigation company Bindi Maps. Inside the expos, BindiMaps provides accurate navigation and guidance to all individual exhibitor booths in the space, as well as to bathrooms, informatio­n desks, registrati­on, food outlets and other locations.

We continue to work with representa­tives from the disability community to ensure each expo offers real, meaningful solutions and increases inclusion for all people in their community.

"It's about positively impacting people with a disability; to not only help them

navigate what choice means, but for it to make a difference." - Kathryn Carey,

Expo Director

And in our experience, that looks like a (COVID safe) exhibition hall buzzing with the excitement and energy of people discoverin­g disability services and supports that make a long-term, sustainabl­e and positive impact.

Ready to put your future into action? Want to be inspired with the options for living your best life? Come along and find everyone in the one place:

• Government and advocacy organisati­ons

• Aids and equipment providers

• Financial and legal services

• Education, training, and employment providers

• Social and leisure options

• Transport and vehicles

• Health and medical products and services

• Allied health profession­als

• Support services including in home care providers

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