Unique Cars



Please keep up the good work! It’s great to see how many cars from pre-2000 that are still on the road, and the people who are trying to keep them there. To them I say it is worth the patience, blood, sweat, tears, late nights, lack of sleep and frayed relationsh­ips.

I wonwon’t go into my whole life story, but a recent trtrip to hospital, along with nine weeks off from work for recovery, gives you time to ref lect oon things past, things you should’ve done andan things you say you’ll get to but never do.d All I’ll say is thanks to its quality the mamagazine helped me through some challencha­llenging times. It’s great to just open one up and read the articles on people’s cars and to try aand understand why they bought them and ththe love and appreciati­on they have for them, no matter the brand.

AboutAbo two years ago I was able to acquire a 1991 Holden Commodore VN Calais V6, almoalmost identical to that of Glenn Torrens. Okay it is only a V6, but almost everything works. Bought it from the second owner with less than 200k in the clock

With me sitting around, not being able to do much, and my 1971 HQ (first car) being way off anywhere near completion, I decided to get the Calais out and find out what was needed to get her on the road. I’ve been able to get her running with some minor work done, such as intake gasket, brakes and fuel system.

My HQ has been sitting idle for over 15 years, but now I’m almost back to full strength and have a different outlook on life. It’s next on the list. I’m hoping to have her sorted within the next two years. After that, who knows? James Baylis Email ED: The VN is looking pretty sharp, James. Good luck with the HQ – keep us posted as we’d love to do a follow-up story.

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