Unique Cars



- GUY A L LEN Guy ‘Guido’ Allen

HAVE YOU joined a social media vehicle group lately? The choices on offer are staggering and, at last count, I think I’m a member of about 30. We’re talking Facebook groups here, or Faceplant as I often prefer to call it.

The whole ‘social media’ concept is sometimes a bit of a crock. ‘Anti-social’ media would be closer to the mark when you look at some of the ludicrous rantings that get published. In fact there are days when I wonder is Faceplant solely set up for people who want to shout at clouds.

But it does have its positive side and vehicle groups are one of them. Because of the peculiar nature of my f leet, I’m now a member of (takes a deep breath): Aussie Sharks (the BMW shark-nose E24 clan), Early Commodores, Aussie Smokers (twostroke motorcycle­s), VK Brotherhho­od (I may need to tunnel ram my unsuspecti­ng 355 to gain full membership), Northern Beaches Muscle Cars, a Kings Mountain Indian group, Holden HQ HJ HX HZ & WB plus the Toyota Soarer Owners of Australia. There are lots more...

What I like about the majority of them is they tend to be selfmodera­ting. Taking a crack at someone else’s car because you don’t like their taste in wheels or whatever is frowned upon.

Meanwhile, there is a real effort to create mutually-supportive environmen­ts that pass on tech tips and stuff coming up for sale long before it reaches the public classified market. Gangs like Northern Beaches do a lot of shows and charity, so a much wider group of people in the community benefits as well.

I reckon this has broader health benefits, because it means people don’t have to feel alone. There’s always someone up for a chat and to offer some advice. It’s terrific.

What amazes me sometimes is the sheer numbers. Take the Aussie Soarers for example, which has over 6000 members! That’s staggering, as the car was never a local mainstream model. It only ever came in as a used grey import and even then in relatively limited numbers. It had a brief moment in the sun as a popular used buy in the late 1990s, but that soon faded.

Are there really 6000 Soarers over here? I suspect not but may well be proven wrong. In the meantime I’m content to be part of the happy tribe.

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