Unique Cars



I have enjoyed Unique Cars for many a year, but particular­ly under your editorship. I have enjoyed your writings going back to your Australian Motorcycle News days.

I have a couple of points of order with the current issue (429), though. You say the SL/E model Commodore was introduced with the VH, but it was there from the start with the VB. It was a revelation at the time, with the ultimate version running bigger diameter, classy alloy wheels with low profile tyres (on an Aussie car!), and headlight wipers – amazing.

Re the John Bowe articles, they seem to have turned to water. Recent pieces have been little more than a brief descriptio­n and histor y of the car (Lancia Delta Integrale and Austin-Healey etc). Any of your writers could provide that info.

The joy of JB’s stuff is an actual descriptio­n of what the car was like to drive from someone with plenty of experience developing both road and race cars, as well as being an undoubted enthusiast. I can understand some dealers or owners not being keen for their car to be driven to any extent, but why not keep John’s articles for cars that are allowed that freedom?

Thanks again. Great mag. Pete Minahan Email ED: Jeez, we go back a long way if you’re talking Aus Motorcycle News! Yep, what I said about the VH SL/E was at best ambiguous – don’t know what I was thinking. You’re absolutely right that it came in with the VB. Point taken re the JB stories. Sometimes all we get is a quick spin and that’s always an issue with privately-owned cars. We’d obviously prefer not to make up stuff, so we’ll see what we can do about getting JB into more unrestrict­ed drives.

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