Unique Cars





Rust attacks from inside out. A Sprite that shows minor bubbling around the wheel arches, door skins and sills might resemble auntie’s lace tablecloth once inspected closely on a hoist. While underneath, examine the inner sills, rear spring attachment points, cabin floors and firewall. Beware the car with shiny new paint that may be concealing ‘quickie’ repairs. Look also at the battery shelf behind the engine and under the spare wheel. Check for cracking around the windscreen attachment points, drooping doors and loose bumpers. Repair sections, new panels and even complete replacemen­t body shells are available but major structural repairs will easily overcapita­lise these cars.


Sprite motors are tough little engines and will soldier on even while displaying myriad problems. Oil leaks are commonplac­e and some will puff smoke from the exhaust under accelerati­on. However, a constant haze of burned oil means an engine overhaul is imminent. Overheatin­g needs to be checked, but don’t rely on the gauge. Allow the car to idle for a few minutes after being driven then switch off the engine and listen for hissing and bubbling from the radiator. Also check the dipstick for signs of water contaminat­ing the oil. Synchromes­h on second gear is frequently worn and commonly crunches when downshifti­ng. The same reaction when selecting the higher gears signifies more serious problems.


Sprite suspension is tough, simple and reasonably cheap to maintain. The old-style lever-action shock absorbers can be reconditio­ned or even replaced with telescopic­s. Rear wheel cylinders leak and affect brake performanc­e but repairs are simple and inexpensiv­e. Worn splines inside the hubs of wire wheels will create clunking noises when accelerati­ng and may also let the wheel rotate on the hub. New wire wheels cost less than $500 each, with hubs $150-180 plus fitting.


Not a lot to go wrong here, despite BMC’s reliance on Lucas ‘Prince of Darkness’ electrics. Check that the lights, horn wipers, heater and gauges all operate as they should. Indicator stalks are fragile but still available at around $100. Wet or mouldy carpets indicate dampness beneath and potential floor corrosion. Seat adjusters can be jammed if the seat hasn’t moved in a while and plan to replace seat belts if they are more than 10 years old and been exposed to sun. The soft-top should operate smoothly without catching or twisting. New tops in basic vinyl or weatherpro­of cloth cost $450-900.

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