Unique Cars





Some owners insist that their cars have suffered little or no corrosion over their lifetimes, but an on-hoist inspection is vital prior to purchase. Front mudguards, door sills, wheel-arch lips and the front apron are spots to examine first for bubbling and evidence of filler. Older restoratio­ns may be suffering from renewed corrosion and certainly from deteriorat­ion to paint and brightwork. Repair panels including wheel-arch and lower mudguard sections, floors and sills are available but join an Alfa Club and seek guidance from other owners. Some products are of suspect quality and any saving on price can be swallowed by the cost of making a poorly-stamped panel fit. Spare bumpers are hard to find and new headlights have been offered at more than $150 each.


For all of their twincam complexity, well-maintained Alfa-Romeo engines can provide years of reliable motoring. Buy one that’s been ‘cooked’ or run low on oil though and the result will be costly. Oil that’s contaminat­ed with coolant, exhaust smoke and breather fumes are signs an overhaul, or at least a reconditio­ned cylinder head, is due. Clattering when starting from cold indicates a worn timing chain or camshaft. Fuel-injected cars needing a service will blow black smoke when starting. Misfiring can be due to cracked spark plug leads. The Alfetta gearbox can be difficult even in perfect condition and with minor wear becomes reluctant to engage second gear without a ‘double-shuffle’. Rattles and heat through the gear-lever characteri­se a transmissi­on that’s overdue for an overhaul.


Rear-wheel steering and instabilit­y under brakes are likely due to worn bushes in the rear suspension. If the wheels ‘splay’ inspect the inner edges of tyres for wear. Neglect will often lead to trashed shock absorbers and a tendency for cars to leap across the road after hitting a mid-bend bump. New gas units all round will cost less than $800. Shuddering or pulsing under light pedal pressure points to warped discs. A sinking pedal can signify a failing master cylinder, vacuum hose leaks or a power booster needing a $400 rebuild.


Sun is the enemy of Alfa interiors. Even when new, plastics that were better suited to European conditions quickly curled up their corners or developed cracks. Look for splits in the dash and console, warped door trims, deteriorat­ion of switches and seat belt fittings. Correct seat material is scarce, as are authentic steering wheels which may have been replaced by an after-market wheel. With the engine running, activate a few electrical items simultaneo­usly and watch if headlights pulse in unison with the indicators or instrument­s flicker when the high-beams are switched on.

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