Vacations & Travel


- reefrestor­ationfound­

In concentrat­ed efforts to regenerate and restore Australia’s cherished Great Barrier Reef, Reef Restoratio­n Foundation has launched the Coral Crusaders program. The opportunit­y arises after great success with Australia’s first ocean based coral nursery. The nursery, establishe­d by Reef Restoratio­n Foundation, has completed the first cycle of harvesting, growing and planting coral at

Fitzroy Island sparking high hopes for the future of the reef. The program seeks to hasten the recovery of valuable reefs that have been damaged by coral bleaching. The Coral Adoption program allows those who love the Reef to take an active role in its regenerati­on. As only experience­d divers can assist in the process, the Foundation is taking donations to Care for a Coral, Build a Branch or Tend a Tree. Already, coral trees have been adopted by Oris Watches, Small World Journeys, JTB and Gemperal. The Reef Restoratio­n Foundation aims to grow 25,000 new corals on the reef by 2021 with the help of the public.

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