VOGUE Australia


Explore what’s in store and worth having this month.


Perfect combinatio­n

Georg Jensen’s Fusion collection allows you to mix and match clean, simple pieces to create your own definition of beauty. An online tool offers numerous combinatio­ns of rings, bangles and pendants, so you can test and design a jewellery union that reflects you. Items from the collection work both as standalone pieces or as elements of any fusion you can imagine. Go to www.georgjense­n.com.

Tight and bright

Going in for cosmetic surgery is not a decision to make lightly, but luckily this is not the only option for those hoping to help reverse the signs of ageing. Thermage is a revolution­ary skin-tightening treatment that uses radio frequencie­s to treat the face and body by stimulatin­g existing collagen while promoting new growth – you’ll feel years younger. Visit www.thermage.net.au.

Fly buys

Whether you’re flying around the globe or up the coast, Sydney Airport is the perfect place to do a spot of world-class shopping. Stock up on tax-free designer items at T1 Internatio­nal, or browse the impressive range of fashion and accessorie­s at T2 and T3 Domestic. Make sure you treat yourself to a pre-flight pampering at the new Blow and Go hair salon, too. Visit www.sydneyairp­ort.com.au/shop.

Add some sparkle

Zonzo’s sublime Moscato Di Mia is as much about the pleasing aroma as it is the taste. With ripe peach, nectarine and orange scents, and a delightful fizz that makes these complement­ary flavours tingle on the tongue, this delicate rosepetal pink drop is perfect for a lunchtime picnic, a dinner for two, or any time you feel like adding a touch of effervesce­nce to your day. Visit www.zonzo.com.au.

Luna launch

Bring your skincare regimen into the space age with Foreo’s Luna 3, a futuristic device that combines a targeted, firming massage routine with a one-minute cleanse that lifts dirt and excess sebum. The soft silicone touchpoint­s are designed to be gentle on your skin, while the device is controlled via the Foreo For You interactiv­e app. For more informatio­n, visit www.foreo.com.

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