VOGUE Australia



Home cooking is so hot right now. If you’re looking for inspiratio­n, Yum Tum offers interactiv­e Zoom cooking lessons with one of 20 world-class chefs. It’s a perfect way to learn new culinary skills, make a restaurant­worthy meal for family and friends, and support hospitalit­y workers. Go to www.yumtum.co.


With a grant from the City of Sydney and community donations, Harris Connects has created Chex, Ultimo and Pyrmont’s own sustainabl­e, community gift card. It’s a win-win for residents and businesses needing a helping hand. Go to www.chexcommun­ity.org.au.


During lockdown, the team at Colombo Social restaurant fired up the burners to provide hot meals for those in need. The Plate it Forward campaign has seen talented chefs and restaurate­urs create more than 27,500 meals for at-risk Sydneyside­rs. Go to www.colombosoc­ial.com.au/plateitfor­ward.


Face masks are now a must-have. The Social Outfit, a sustainabl­e, social enterprise fashion label, uses bright, beautiful fabric remnants to create reusable three-layer masks. The line is known as B1-G1, meaning for every mask you buy, The Social Outfit will give one to a person in need. Go to www.thesocialo­utfit.org.

With more time on our hands, this could be your chance to meet your favourite author, join a book club or curl up with a great read. Better Read Than Dead has a variety of Zoom book clubs, including the Better Reader Book Club and Bad Women Book Club, author chats and, of course, the classics and latest bestseller­s in store. Go to www.betterread­events.com.

 ??  ?? a mask from The Social Outfit. take an interactiv­e Yum Tum cooking class with a top chef.
a mask from The Social Outfit. take an interactiv­e Yum Tum cooking class with a top chef.
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