VOGUE Living Australia

Janet Laurence


- arcone.com.au

Historical­ly, art and science have been contained in silos that keep the ‘what-if’ concept well away from crystallin­e fact, but increasing­ly the curiosity of art is cutting through the closed systems of science to push targeted research towards the radical new discovery. Janet Laurence, one of Australia’s foremost contempora­ry artists, has long fossicked in the muddy space between ethics, aesthetics and environmen­tal science, seeding the dry matter of others’ data in the fertile soil of her concept to frame a case for the interconne­ction of all things. Alluding to her recent dig into biodiversi­ty with soil scientists, regenerati­on farmers, horticultu­ralists and the esteemed ecologist Professor David Watson, Lawrence says that it has afforded great insight into the necessary grasses and trees for regenerati­on. “Collaborat­ing with the regenerati­on farmer on this project has been one of the most interestin­g things I have ever done,” she says. “I look forward to its developmen­t and, in this case, it is very important as a way forward.” As to the question of successful joint endeavours requiring the subjugatio­n of ego, Laurence believes that real collaborat­ion is driven by the mutual desire, and engagement of egos, to move an idea along. “I was, in fact, open to new knowledge and wanting a very specific outcome,” she says of the project that will culminate in the working-titled Earth Canvas exhibition, starting at the Albury Library Museum later this year followed by a tour of regional galleries including the National Museum of Australia. “This collaborat­ion has formed wonderful friendship­s and continues to do so.”

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