Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Question time is a farce

- Gerry Prestney Warragul

On Wednesday I had the misfortune to lodge a question on notice at the Baw Baw Shire Council meeting.

What a complete waste of time, effort and energy that turned out to be.

It was a complete farce from start to finish.

Forget all the flowery words council tries to portray itself about listening to the community, interactio­n, learning from community.

It is all hogwash. They are not the slightest bit interested in hearing from the community.

I’m sure they think it would be so much easier for them to run the shire without having to put up with ratepayers. We just get in the way.

Nothing has changed in years.

Instead of a direct answer to a question you will receive an irrelevant load of gobblegook bearing no connection with the question being asked of council.

Council must believe we are complete idiots if they think we believe and accept all of their nonsense and non answers.

The system is a complete farce and a charade. They just go through the motions and believe they are doing a wonderful thing for us.

It produces a negative result all round. The council loses respect, an officer loses respect if he or she has provided a nonsense non answer and the community gains nothing.

So what is the point of it all?

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