Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Show horses set for Sunday program


Brumby horses are a new feature to this year’s horse program, which will take centre stage on a separate day for the first time.

Following the successful lead of other shows, Warragul’s horse program will be this year held on Sunday and will be the only feature for the day.

Novelty pony events will feature as sport horse racing and also will be part of Saturday’s show program.

Brumby horses will make a debut to the show program on Sunday with five classes and champion and reserve champion ribbons on offer.

Organisers said the separate horse program had worked well at other shows and the horse committee, led by superinten­dent Helen Lawrence was keen to try a Sunday program.

Organisers said this would enable full focus of the show to be on horse events in the main arena on Sunday, without the noise and distractio­n of the carnival and other show activities.

Warragul Show has long had a reputation of being a leading and top quality show and the horse program at Warragul has always been well supported by high standard entries.

The popularity of classes for miniature horses in recent years will see these classes return to this year’s program.

There will be 17 classes plus champion classes, including supreme miniature horse exhibit.

Hacks, Galloways and Ponies will compete in a number of classes as well as champion and reserve champion classes on Sunday.

The open led classes will be open to all breeds and will culminate with judging of the grand champion led exhibit.

There will be a ring for “coloured horses” allowing Buckskins, Palomino and Pinto entries to be judged in their separate breed classes, one after another.

Other horse breeds on show will be Arabian ponies, Australian ponies, Welsh Mountain, Welsh, Mountain or Moorland ponies, Shetland, Riding ponies, Australian stock horse and Standardbr­ed.

 ??  ?? Lily Baiocchi competed on Lulu in the eight and under novice last year and was given some tips by big sister Yasmin Baan.
Lily Baiocchi competed on Lulu in the eight and under novice last year and was given some tips by big sister Yasmin Baan.
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