Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Parking a hot topic


Car parking has been a hot topic of discussion in Warragul and Drouin for many years.

While many community members complain about the availabili­ty of parking and the need for more parking to meet growing population needs, many retailers also complain about the lack of turnover of car parking because of people overstayin­g time limits.

In August last year, The Gazette ran a story about parking time limits being abused in the central business district.

Facebook comments and letters to the editor raised concerns that people, including some retailers and staff, were using two hour parking bays for all day parking.

Frustrated business owners and retailers claimed it was affecting business because of the lack of turnover.

Since then, the issue was regularly raised during community consultati­on for the Warragul streetscap­e works. Last week council responded to the concerns and announced its compliance officers would be more actively patrolling CBDs across the shire.

The Gazette asked Facebook followers what they thought of the increased patrols. Whilst there was a mixed response, most people continued their calls for more parking.

Jo Foster - Usual Xmas crackdown and revenue raising for the year...there is nowhere to park in Warragul that is near long enough to do Xmas shopping and if they want shoppers then make it shopper friendly. Pakenham is looking good to me.

Linda Lou - I’ll take my business elsewhere…where are we supposed to park if you’re at the cinema or at the hairdresse­rs?

Jacquie E. Puncher - I think it’s more like Baw Baw Shire taking advantage of poor parking in Warragul, rather than responding to complaints made. Baw Baw Shire should encourage local shopping. Any wonder we travel out of town to shop

Louisa Maxwell - Maybe the council could give us some more parking, and longer hours. seeing as they’re the ones approving all these new housing estates, ramping up congestion.

Annemarie Thorp - The signs tell us what our parking limit is. We obey them. No fines. Ok. But the Baw Baw Shire needs to work with small businesses to evaluate the current needs for consumers. I always support local business but if the council is going to make it difficult, I will have to shop elsewhere.

Melinda Wells - I think that Baw Baw Shire would be better focusing on increasing the amount of car parks rather than fining those who have chosen to support local businesses.

Lynne Wells - There are not enough two, three and four hour car parks in Warragul to cater for people who want to do some serious shopping or have their hair done or beauty treatments or go to lunch and cinema. Nola O’Dea - About time. Devin Palmer - Hope they patrol down at the park near the Drouin skate park, a lot of shire workers who are in the shire building park there all day.

Belinda Brasier - 2 week warning period bull dust. I copped a $79 fine last week for half an hour or less over. Revenue raising more like it.

Cerys Woodgate - Obviously there is a need for more parking areas, where are shop owners and their staff supposed to park? I have heard some workers already upset they have to keep moving their cars, why not build up levels in the Safeway carpark area.

Jade Powell - I think it’s ridiculous! There’s not enough all day parking and I’ve already received two $69 fines last week! So much for the two weeks notice.

Jessica Hickin - I get some people may be staying in the car park for a bit long but really. With all of the streetscap­e works the council have done and currently are doing we have lost multiple car parks. There is very little all day parking for shop keepers. Would it be possible that people are staying in the car parks longer cos they have to walk around everywhere just to get things done?

Karen Bransgrove - All new works going on in the main street is looking amazing but it’s taking away from car parking and making it more difficult to find a car park these days. Shop owners should only be allowed to park in front of their shops up until 8.45am to unload any stock they need to carry in then find an all-day parking area. I had my son at his appointmen­t on Thursday afternoon I was parked out the front of bakery and witnessed a staff member come out of a shop, move her car from one parking spot to another two spaces down on the same street from where it was parked, she went back into her shop. I know this because she was in behind a counter when I entered her shop. It’s wrong and shouldn’t be allowed most shops have a back door they can use.

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