Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Ban live export


I'd like to discuss the live sheep export trade. As an Australian I was horrified to view the images earlier this year of our sheep in terrible conditions on the live export ships.

We as Australian­s have always treated our animals well particular­ly in partnershi­p with them in our history to cultivate our land and provide us with goods and services.

The treatment of these animals in the live export trade is not in line with our values as Australian­s and as a humane society.

So there is a very important vote in Federal Parliament coming up soon on this issue and Labor has already expressed that they will abolish the live export trade if they come to power.

So its now up to the Liberal Party to do the same and our local MP Russell Broadbent can make an important decision to vote against the live export trade continuing.

The community sentiment is must change. clear... this Tom Dziedzicki, Drouin

Many thanks to the person who handed my walking stick into the Coles Service Desk last week. It is an item that I need for mobility so am glad of your assistance in achieving that.

A bouquet to the organisers and volunteers who put on Snowfest which was very well organised and run as a great event for Warragul.

I would like to send bouquerts to people who have helped me recently.

Firstly to the gentleman who helped me at the Drouin monument after I had a fall. Also to the woman who picked up my paperwork at the Drouin Post Office and finally to the woman who pushed me in my mobility scooter between Franncis Ave and Princes Way, Drouin.

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