Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Bowen Therapy and Reflexolog­y can relieve cold and flu symptoms


During these treatments, pressure in the chest, sinus and ears, persistent coughing, headaches and other flu systems can be relieved. Bowen Therapy and Reflexolog­y are gentle, natural modalities that can also treat injuries, pain, migrains, hormonal issues, anxiety and stress and improves general immunity and wellbeing.

Internal organs benefit from these treatments, in particular the respirator­y and digestive systems. Asthma, sinus congestion, colic, reflux, fluid retention and constipati­on can be relieved by improving circulatio­n and lymphatic drainage.

Bowen Therapy works on the soft connective tissue of the body and is gentle and relaxing. Treatments can resolve muscle and skeletal based problems such as backache, neck tension, headaches, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, sciatica, hip, knee and ankle injuries, RSI and much more.

Reflexolog­y is the method of massaging reflex points on the feet that correspond with specific organs and body systems. This clears blocked energy pathways, improving blood flow, nervous system function and the eliminatio­n of toxins.

Neuro Training with Kinesiolog­y can also be incorporat­ed into sessions to clear stresses to alleviate symptoms and allow the person to recuperate and live a more balanced life.

These therapies help to calm the nervous system and to achieve balance and harmony in the body, resulting in lasting relief from pain and discomfort, and improved physical and emotional quality of life.

Treatments are available with Robyn McCraw at The Warragul Wellness Centre, 78 Albert Street, Warragul. Phone 0407 285 235.

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