Warragul & Drouin Gazette

A brief history in orthodonti­cs


It may come as a surprise to some, but did you know that various forms of orthodonti­cs have been around as early as the ancient Roman era? Unfortunat­ely for them they did not have the knowledge and technologi­cal advancemen­ts we have today, so moving teeth with your fingers was considered appropriat­e practice! Since the ancient Roman era, orthodonti­c treatment progressed, with one of the earliest founders of treatment being Pierre Fauchard. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Pierre created a horseshoe-like appliance with indentatio­ns in it where teeth would ideally sit, patients would then wear this until their teeth hopefully moved into position. He was also one of the first people to tie teeth to one another for more precise movements (similar to braces) and discovered that teeth move along wires. Most recently however, we come across Edward Hartley Angle who had the mind behind some of the appliances still used in orthodonti­cs today. Luckily for you orthodonti­cs has come a long way since these early days and they even use appliances similar to what they developed back in the time of Pierre and Edward. In 1997, Zia Chishti and Kelsey Wirth created Invisalign, which uses a personalis­ed number of sequential aligners that will straighten teeth. To this date Invisalign, alongside the help of dental profession­als have helped create over 5 million smiles! Who knows where we would have been now without orthodonti­cs’ more ‘experiment­al’ era, we certainly have a lot to be thankful for!

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