Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Blood donors needed

- by Davyd Reid

An understand­ing of how special her blood type is and how easy it is to share has seen Karla McGrellis become a regular donor at Warragul’s mobile Red Cross Blood Service.

Karla is blood type O negative, and while only nine per cent of the Australian population has that type, it is a valuable commodity. It is valuable because in certain emergency situations, it can be used when a patient’s blood type is unknown.

For Karla, a visit to the Warragul mobile service on Thursday was her first donation in about eight years.

“I used to donate when I lived in Melbourne but stopped when I had children, so I’m back into it again,” she said. “I started because I have O negative blood. “You’d always see there’s a short supply, it was always on the TV.

“I’ve been given something that people need and it doesn’t cost me anything except some time.

“I’ve felt faint a couple of times, but nothing a half hour’s rest on the couch and a cup of tea can’t fix.”

Blood donors really make a difference to someone’s life, and the Warragul mobile service is searching for people of every blood type to give this winter.

With people having to cancel their usual appointmen­ts due to illness such as cold or flu or travel to warmer climates, the Warragul service urgently need 50 more blood donors to meet patient need.

Australia needs about 25,000 blood donations each week to help road trauma victims, pregnant women, cancer patients and other seriously ill Australian­s. For many people, blood donors are their life line.

Currently only one in 30 Australian­s give blood, but one in three Australian­s will need blood in their lifetime.

Donations can be made at the mobile service at Warragul Greyhound Racing Club from today, with appointmen­ts available on Tuesdays through to Friday until Friday, August 17.

To make a booking phone 13 14 95 or visit the website www.donatebloo­d.com.au.

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 ??  ?? Warragul’s Karla McGrellis makes another valuable donation of O negative type blood at the Warragul mobile service with encouragem­ent from Billy the Blood Drop.
Warragul’s Karla McGrellis makes another valuable donation of O negative type blood at the Warragul mobile service with encouragem­ent from Billy the Blood Drop.

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