Warragul & Drouin Gazette

How to vote


As communicat­ions officer of the newlyforme­d How-To-Vote-Hander-Outers League, I write in response to G. Tuck’s negative comments on our members (Gaz 27/11).

Mr Tuck’s views were formed after one minute’s experience outside the polling booth. Our views are formed after 20 hours and more in rain, hail and heat observing voters like Mr Tuck.

We could also make some negative comments, but refrain from doing so. Our members have taken the hippodemoc­ratic oath, after all. Some have also taken the my bloody oath.

Our theme song is, ‘Ashes to ashes, dust to dust/If the Greens don’t get you, then Labor must’, and our Latin motto, ‘Spes Fideles Vocat’ (hang around; you never know your luck). We remind voters that we will be back with renewed fervour for the federal election in May.

Jim Connelly, Warragul

Bouquets to Baw Baw Shire for prompt action in finding our where McDonald St is in Warragul. The footpath is now safer to walk on. Looking forward to the replacemen­t footpath surrounds being finished off.

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