Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Hospital lobbying has little point


Initially launching their campaign in March ahead of the May state budget, and then continuing through the election campaign, WTF spokesman Rob Sinnett said he did not know what more they could do.

In reality, he said a new hospital on a greenfield site did not appear to be on the current government’s agenda so it would be at least four years before the issue may receive election prominence.

While works are underway on a $9.3 million project that includes a new theatre and short stay units, Dr Sinnett said the works would not increase in-patient beds.

“It will alleviate the pressure but address the pressure.

“We are a growing community, we need more beds and the hospital building is deteriorat­ing.

Dr Sinnett said the community could not afford to wait another four years for a new hospital commitment – “it has to be in the near future.”

“We can’t keep putting more and more money into a building that is sub-standard and not meeting the needs of the community.

Dr Sinnett said the WTF campaign attracted 10,000 petition signatures in two weeks which showed the strength of the campaign and the level of community support.

But, he said they were not in a position to continue fighting for another four years when the current government had not committed to a new hospital.

Dr Sinnett said WTF was disappoint­ed when Latrobe Regional Hospital was allocated $217 million and Wonthaggi received $115 million for hospital projects. it won’t

He said if Narracan had been a marginal seat, the outcome may have been different “but it’s very disappoint­ing.”

Dr Sinnett said WTF members met with ALP candidate for Narracan Christine Maxfield during the recent election campaign.

He said while Ms Maxfield was sympatheti­c to the group’s needs, she reinforced that WGH was classed as a sub-regional hospital whereas Latrobe Regional Hospital was regional.

“What was once sub-regional isn’t sub-regional anymore and our growth proves that. I know there is more than coal down there in the Latrobe Valley but we are a growth area.

Dr Sinnett said he believed the needs of Warragul and Drouin were being ignored because the region was not part of Melbourne but no longer fitting into Gippsland.

“Hopefully next election they will listen to us. There has been lack of thought for the future. The area is changing and we aren’t a sub-regional area anymore.

Dr Sinnett said the positives of the WTF campaign was it raised awareness in the community about the land for a new hospital and highlighte­d the deficienci­es of the current site.

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