Warragul & Drouin Gazette

One way trial


Well done to Tristan Throup for having the initiative to organise a partition regarding road changes in the central business district.

I have not heard one positive from anybody on the Palmerston St changes.

It is too narrow for safety and the extra pavement is unused.

To save another fiasco like the pedestrian crossings at the roundabout which were put in then painted out again when it was realised they didn’t work, will this next venture become another mistake, only a much more expensive one.

Surely there is a way of trialling these ideas before spending $1.5 million.

If it goes ahead, please don’t cut back on road safety for the sake of wider footpaths. I haven’t noticed any traffic jams on the footpaths.

Never mind the fact you have had no formal complaints, time to get out there among the people and listen to what they are saying if you want to be re-elected next time.

If the $1.5 million was put towards getting rid of the eyesore in Queen St and a shopping complex with parking, traffic would be spread out over a wider area and both traffic and parking problems could be solved.

Maybe then outsiders would be drawn here to shop rather than locals going out of town to do just that.

Mr Throup, perhaps if you put petition forms in the shops by the cash register, you would soon meet your goal.

Lyn Street, Brandy Creek

Truck load of bricks to council’s street planners on the Smith/Palmerston St works. To the very wise person last week complainin­g about traffic build up after the current one-way Palmerston Stt debacles, guess what? Our council will be making Smith Street one way also. Warragul streets will become one giant roundabout with more congestion then ever.

How blind can our council be?

I have never seen Drouin’s gardens and green spaces so overgrown and neglected. Grass hangs over the gutter and drains are blocked. We need to have long term unemployed people working in supervised crews to help.

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