Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Frustrated and disappoint­ed with council


I would like to express my absolute frustratio­n, disappoint­ment and disillusio­nment with Baw Baw Shire Council.

Drouin Rotary Club has run the Drouin Craft and Produce Market for close to 18 years (which we have had a stall at the entire time).

All the money raised by Rotary goes toward market running costs and advertisin­g, with the majority contributi­ng back to the community as a whole as opposed to other markets in our shire which do not and are given grants to advertise and run them.

However on the weekend of February 16 the shire in its infinite wisdom decided to not only confiscate the market promotion signs placed along Princes Way, but also to inform Rotary they would be fined for having them there in the first place without a permit after 18 years of doing so with no word or otherwise in that time.

Rotary was going to report the signs as stolen until they were contacted by the shire.

What the heck is going on in our shire offices? They can’t even give a warning or simply talk to Rotary about the problem. They just go ahead and stamp their authority the way they did to a community organisati­on of which fantastic individual­s donate their time to help others in our community who are in need.

All this time Rotary has erected the signs the Sunday before the market to advertise the forthcomin­g event and collected them immediatel­y after each market. They are never left there in all the time they have been running it.

To add insult to injury they expect Drouin Rotary members to volunteer to help block Drouin’s main street (I’m assuming without permits to direct traffic) for the Ficifolia parade. And I am assuming at the last minute going by the outcome.

I witnessed to one Rotarian struggle on Saturday with directing traffic on his own with motorists getting agitated.

It created a dangerous situation with traffic continuing through the main street and roundabout­s during the entire Ficifolia parade, putting those participat­ing in the parade at significan­t risk.

I commend the Ficifolia Committee on running a very successful festival. The party in the park was well run and attended, however a lack of support from the shire was evident over the weekend for Drouin yet again unfortunat­ely. Darleen Fankhauser, Drouin

It’s ironic that one of Noojee’s ward councillor is Michael Leaney (a Walhalla resident) who supports VicForests’ plans to clearfell the rainforest-covered slope that overlooks Noojee.

This is despite VicForests’ own social impact assessment recommendi­ng the no logging option because of likely damage to the town’s tourism and hospitalit­y businesses. Also a recent survey revealed that opposition to the clearfell among locals was five times more than those for it.

Having just dodged a bushfire bullet himself, Cr Leaney needs to now explain how the clearfell will benefit Noojee, and how that benefit outweighs the likely damage to Noojee, including the increased risk to public safety. Gaye Trevan, Noojee

Of course VicForests chooses to rely on the opinion of DELWP (one government department advising another) because it suits their commercial purposes. DELWP and VicForests simply ignore the opinions of the five independen­t bushfire experts who have expressed a very different view; namely that the clearfelli­ng will significan­tly increase the town’s bushfire risk for decades.

Adding yet another risk factor to an already at-risk town is not justifiabl­e, especially when the consequenc­es are potentiall­y catastroph­ic.

Caution and people’s safety should always prevail. The plans to clearfell next to the town ought to be stopped if there is even a hint that it will increase the town's bushfire risk.

Cathryn Fairbairn. Noojee

I am writing in relation to accidents on the corner of Hopetoun Rd and Young St, Drouin.

I have lived on this corner for more than four years and have seen many crashes. While a stop sign might help I think the only answer is a roundabout.

Wake up Baw Baw Shire are you waiting for someone to be killed before you act.

Lionel Salman, Drouin

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