Warragul & Drouin Gazette

When should students return to class?


Jenny Date - Definitely not. Let us stay the course. Teachers have set up learning for the rest of the term. For goodness sake as a teacher of over 40 years I know missing a few months of learning out of 13 years of education will not have any long lasting academic ramificati­ons.

Maisy Max - I think schools, teachers, parents and students are set up now until the end of the term in Victoria. People who need to send kids to school can. Don’t upset everyone by changing again. Teachers, carers, bus drivers, school staff are the most at risk. Why would you risk them?

Jan Pickburn - I think it would be more unsettling for the children now, after only a few weeks, to have to adjust to a different situation again. Let them finish out this term and then start term three as they did term one, back into the routine they left at Easter.

Shelley Duncan - I think after the testing in the next fortnight we will be in a better position to know if and where there is spread of undetected Covid in the community. It wouldn’t surprise me if most schools are back shortly afterwards. A little bit of patience at the moment can keep us all safe and help make informed decisions.

Zalie Perry - If so many teaching profession­als say that a few months off won’t hurt, then there should be a blanket cancellati­on of all schooling (except maybe VCE) - if we want it to be fair, then make it fair. Someone with one child already has a major advantage in remote schooling over someone with 5 children (as myself). For some, remote learning has been better, for most I think it’s probably worse because there are so many distractio­ns at home and kids don’t respond to their parents like their teachers.

Jewel Dornin - We are glad to wait it out: no it’s not easy, however with two students at home, we’re doing fine. It’s given them great lessons to learn about time management and autonomy. I know they worry sometimes about whether they’re on schedule but I reassure them it will be fine whatever they achieve. I’m grateful everyday that my kids are alive and healthy.

Julie Allen - If cases are low (currently non existent in Baw Baw and only around 86 in the whole state) then on May 11 I’m hoping that they make the announceme­nt that they’ll go back to school. Even if it’s just Year 12s to start with and they go half numbers 2 days each a week to start with. It’s especially important for these kids, it’s such a big year and they need that school environmen­t and hands on support, even though teachers are doing such a great job in these times

James Harris - It’s so much more than just school too, by fully going back to school it circulates hundreds of thousands of people in close proximity both regionally and city areas. We are settled into remote schooling, let’s leave it till the end of term so there’s no confusion then re assess.

Denise Rowlands - Children work much better in a structured environmen­t, for a large percentage of families home schooling is not working - I think the children should be eased back gradually as in other states.

Nannette Hart - Students should return to school, the sooner the better, get a bit of normality back to their lives. This is a very stressful time for senior years of high school, and home schooling is adding to to the already overwhelmi­ng emotions of the student. What we can deal with as adults on a daily basis can be extremely hard for a 16-18 year old to understand and you can tell them not to worry or stress about it, but to them it is their only world and if they feel like they are not coping we need to be supportive of their need to be in a schooling environmen­t where they have been for the past 12 years

Tania Curtis - My boys are way behind on their studies already, there are too many distractio­ns at home. So yes the sooner normal schooling resumes the better for my family.

Narelle May - Why do all this hard and painful work and to just throw it away? If we are going to put ourselves through this let’s at least see it through until it’s safe and this is over. My kids aren’t guinea pigs for anyone and I certainly don’t trust our prime minister to say go back now. We need to do this properly and do it well for everyone’s sake.

Rachel Lamb Coulthard - Defintely wait…my child is benefiting from the 1 on 1 lessons and the home learning set up from the school is great.

Delma Tunbridge - I’m not sending my grandson back to school at the moment.

Look what is happening around the world, people are getting sick again. I think health is very important they keep saying children don’t get the virus. But they do. Home schooling is ok for us.

Claire Holland - People are really getting to know the young people that they’ve raised... This is good. Schools need to stay closed to those that don’t absolutely need it. At least for this term and maybe the next.

Jon-Anthony De Angelis - Better to wait a few extra weeks I think some parents are just finding out that teaching isn't as easy as they thought and maybe they didn't pay that much attention at school.

Chris Soumilas - Sco-mo says he wants children back at school as soon as possible. He’s correct ; but guess what? It’s not now! We’ve done the hard yards; let’s make sure all is right then they can go back

Paul Fallon - It's a yes from me. Risk particular­ly in this area is very very small to justify not

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