Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Not value for money


Around two years ago my wife and I viewed properties for sale in the Warragul and Drouin area.

After many inspection­s we decided to purchase in the “Jacksons View Estate”, Drouin.

The decision to buy here was solely on the basis that the house ticked most of the boxes we required.

Either during inspection or before purchase, we were told by the agent that buying into the estate meant compulsory membership of the “Country Club”.

The word country club conjured up images of a licensed premise where you could gather at some time, enjoying a drink with neighbours, purchasing meals and participat­ing in other forms of relaxation.

We were also told membership was around $500 per year, given my first expectatio­ns it sounded like a reasonable impost. We were unable to see the inside of the building - only a drive by - until after purchase and an induction was carried out.

What we found was basically a large house with a back-yard pool and small spa. It also comprised a gymnasium large enough for around three to four people to use at one time, a common room with a kitchen off to the side. This so-called country club is no longer fit for purpose given the current and ever-expanding numbers who are forced to join. If a mere 10 per cent of residents rocked up at the same time there would be pandemoniu­m given the number of bodies this would generate.

Parking bays out the front accommodat­e only 13 vehicles. To rub salt into the wounds even though the premises have been basically closed during the pandemic, payment is still demanded.

If there are other residents of the estate who feel the same as me I would urge you to attend the next annual general meeting and demand that changes take place.

I have been informed that there are around 800 properties which would generate an income of around $400,000 per year. I am not seeing that amount of value coming back to the members in any shape or form.

Bruce Andrews, Drouin

Get over it

I don’t know who the fool is. Greg Tuck for continuing to pontificat­e his drivel (Gaz 6/10), The Gazette for continuing to print said drivel, or me, for reading it.

This time, we are subjected to Greg’s whinge about the Victoria St entry to the Woolworths carpark.

And that’s what it is, a whinge from a whinger. He bemoans that he is forced to navigate potholes in his small car just so he can do his shopping at Woolworths, and thinks that his condescend­ing attempts at humour surely must highlight the inane world he lives in and his place in it.

Last time I checked, that particular supermarke­t also has entries via Palmerston and Smith Streets, so why not use those?

Maybe because then you would have nothing to whinge about. Or perhaps shop elsewhere, or get your groceries delivered, it seems there are several options for you, but no, you deliberate­ly make choices that cause you much frustratio­n, and then in turn you write to the editor about your woes because in the world according to Greg it’s just not good enough and someone must fix it.

Get over yourself. Put your energies into making the world a better place instead of constantly moaning about the little things. I dare you.

Jane Atherton, Drouin

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