Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Croquet life member


Warragul Croquet Club recently celebrated the contributi­on and achievemen­ts of Russell Marriott with the presentati­on of life membership.

Looked upon as “Mr Croquet”, Russell has contribute­d greatly to the club over the past 14 years.

Russell first started playing croquet to fill the void in his life after retiring from farming. Although reluctant at first, thinking it was only for the oldies, he was instantly hooked with the sport and new comradeshi­p he found. The rest is history.

Russell soon became a member who put every effort into the club, whenever needed, to ensure he leaves it a better club when he no longer can play.

His contributi­ons over the 14 years have been four years as treasurer, six years as president and eight years as greenskeep­er. Russell recently stepped down from presidency and is now vice president.

Russell has won the club championsh­ips eight times, the handicap club championsh­ips once, and the Ron White hi/low club tournament three times.

Winning the title named after his mentor and good friend in Ron White is something Russell is both proud and honoured to have achieved.

Russell has also played in two winning pennant finals for the region.

One of Russell's best memories was filling in for the final of pennant against Lakes Entrance when he was a handicap of 12. He won all of his games which he attributed to the great coaching of Ron White. He is now a handicap of two and a force to be reckoned with.

Whether it was building a fence between the courts to stop the balls rolling down onto the bottom court, rabbit proofing the fence to protect the greens, visiting members of the club who were too unwell to come in, or a simple phone call to ensure someone was okay, Russell's contributi­on has been outstandin­g.

He greets everyone at the club, or visitors with his big smile and makes them feel very welcome.

The club said it was very lucky to have an individual who puts everything in to ensure all club members enjoy croquet as much as he does.

Russell’s life membership is only the second ever awarded by Warragul Croquet Club.

 ?? ?? Warragul Croquet Club stalwart Joan Lang presents Russell Marriott with life membership to celebrate his contributi­on and achievemen­ts over the past 14 years. It is only the second life membership awarded by the club.
Warragul Croquet Club stalwart Joan Lang presents Russell Marriott with life membership to celebrate his contributi­on and achievemen­ts over the past 14 years. It is only the second life membership awarded by the club.

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