Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Mixed night for Strikers


It was a mixed night of results for the Strikers Junior teams for Round 6 on Friday night.

First up were the under 16s who took on a very strong Camberwell team. The Strikers started off half asleep and were only losing by one goal at halftime. In the second half, the intensity really lifted and it was great hockey to watch. A few defensive mistakes allowed the Wellers to sneak home with a 4-3 win. This is the Strikers first loss for the season. Goal scorers were Bianca Zurrer, Marisah Mock and Jenna Mclauchlan.

It was a sea-sawing affair for the under-18s. Missing their coach and team manager they organised themselves well and came out of the gates strong with a 2-0 lead within the first 10 minutes. It was still 2-0 at halftime but a different looking Mentone took to the field and pushed the Strikers all the way to a 4-4 draw. With just 3 minutes remaining Thea Pozzebon scored on the post to take a one goal lead but it was short lived as Mentone raced back to the centre and immediatel­y played on, bypassing defenders and scoring the equaliser.

On Saturday the women's team had a good win away against ECHO. An early goal in the first term had them all up and about. ECHO fought back in the second with a goal of their own. Strikers settled and played a tight third term, before finally scoring off a short corner in the fourth, then holding off a sprightly ECHO come back to finish on top.

Local results U12s

Aztecs 0 drew with Warriors 0.

Gulls (8) defeated Drouids (2). Gulls goal scorers: Liam Finger, Jacob Mock, Will Mitchell and Brady Cake with two each.

Drouids goal scorers: Damien McNamara and Khalia Ngatai.


Gulls (1) drew with Drouids (1). Gulls goal scorers: Nikita Conley. Drouids goal scorers: Harry Coster.


Gulls (1) drew Warriors (1). Gulls goal scorers: Will Smith. Drouids goal scorers: Harry Coster


Gulls defeated Drouids 6-0. Gulls Goal Scorers: Laura James three, Taylor Wood, Ariya Mock, Regi Brown with onw each.

Warriors defeated Aztecs 5-1. Warriors Goal Scorers: Kate Rinehart three, Joanna Knorr and Belinda Cunningham one. Aztecs goal scorers: Sarah Miles.


Aztecs defeated Warriors 6-5. Aztecs goal scorers: Jordan Oellermann four and Charlie Coster and Shaun Hudgell one each. Warriors goal scorers: Mathew Zurrer two, Amos Selvaraj, Monique Zurrer and James Belfield one each.

Gulls played Drouids: Results not available.

 ?? ?? Warrior Georgia Hazell attempts to block another player’s shot.
Warrior Georgia Hazell attempts to block another player’s shot.
 ?? ?? Aztecs Zoe Finger manoeuvres the ball while on the run.
Aztecs Zoe Finger manoeuvres the ball while on the run.
 ?? ?? Aztecs Lorelei Perry (left) and Warrior Elizabeth Buckly (right) fight for victory.
Aztecs Lorelei Perry (left) and Warrior Elizabeth Buckly (right) fight for victory.
 ?? ?? Warrior Zach Coster (left) and Atecs Charlotte Lewis (right) race to the ball.
Warrior Zach Coster (left) and Atecs Charlotte Lewis (right) race to the ball.
 ?? ?? Aztecs Charlotte Lewis chases the ball down the field.
Aztecs Charlotte Lewis chases the ball down the field.
 ?? ?? Warrior Spencer Thomson takes a shot.
Warrior Spencer Thomson takes a shot.

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