Warragul & Drouin Gazette

. acre rXral allotment in prestigioX­s location


The small town of Tyers sits appro[imately ten kilometres from Traralgon and is sXrroXnded by an XndXlating landscape prime farmland and has a proXd repXtation as a close knit commXnity centred aroXnd the school sporting clXbs

&)$ general store and P2.

$t the same time Tyers is in easy access

nine minXte driYe to Tralagon and other maMor /atrobe 9alley towns for secondary schooling hospital and other higher leYel needs – making it a great place to enMoy the best of both worlds.

5ecently opened sXbdiYisio­ns in Tyers are proYiding the opportXnit­y for new residents to enMoy liYing in this idyllic rXral setting.

$t the prestigioX­s Tyers estate known as µThe $creage¶ yoX can now secXre this . acre property complete with scenic Yiews and with pictXresTX­e parkland nearby.

$ short stroll from the allotment leads to the local store recreation reserYe primary school and wetlands.

=oned low density residentia­l and thereby

Xpholding spacioXs rXral liYing into the fXtXre there are also protectiYe rXral fencing gXidelines in place ensXring the ongoing coXntry feel of the estate.

This presents as a great opportXnit­y to bXild a TXality home with all the e[tras and enMoy a sXperb lifestyle in a friendly commXnity minded coXntry town.

,n addition the owners original hoXse and site plans are aYailable on reTXest.

The price of

represents a great opportXnit­y for the astXte pXrchaser looking for the ideal place to bXild a coXntry home and lifestyle.

)or more informatio­n or to arrange an inspection of the acreage contact Miranda Pike on

or Patty

Mc,nnes on

from 1Xtrien 'elaney 5eal (state in :arragXl.

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