Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Kickstarti­ng biosecurit­y practices


Following recent detections of foot-andmouth disease and lumpy skin disease overseas, biosecurit­y has hit the headlines, with national and state biosecurit­y measures front and centre.

Whether it be a dairy farm, a hobby cattle herd, a pet alpaca, or even just an irrigation paddock, biosecurit­y management and farm biosecurit­y planning can help protect your property from biosecurit­y threats.

Biosecurit­y risks increase when livestock, people, vehicles, equipment and supplies are brought onto a property, moved around the property, or leave the property.

A biosecurit­y management plan is a document that outlines the processes you have in place to reduce the risk of disease, pests, or weeds impacting your property.

While developing your plan, the following practices can be quickly enacted now on your property:

Request National Vendor Declaratio­ns (NVD) and animal health statements. Ask questions about animal health, vaccinatio­ns, disease and treatment history.

Ensure your Property Identifica­tion Code (PIC) details are up-to-date, and livestock movements are uploaded on the National Livestock Identifica­tion Scheme (NLIS) database. PICs are free to get or update your PIC on the Agricultur­e Victoria website: agricultur­e.vic.gov. au/PIC.

Isolate livestock moving on to your property from others, using a yard or holding paddock. This allows time to empty the gut and enables you to monitor for signs of disease or sickness.

Supply footwear or personal protective equipment (PPE) for farm workers and ensure footwear is left on farm reducing risk of contaminat­ion.

Have spare boots and overalls for visitors and contractor­s and keep a record of people entering the property including their contact details, areas visited and previous contact of farm animals.

Provide an area for washing with a wash tub, scrubbing brush and disinfecta­nt to clean boots or equipment. Any household or general detergent is also fine.

Manage feral, pest animals and weeds by storing feed securely, cleaning spilled feed and keeping areas around buildings and production areas clear of long grass and clutter.

Prevent nose to nose contact between your livestock and other animals. This can be achieved by not grazing boundary paddocks while neighbouri­ng livestock are grazing the adjacent paddock, or by planting shelterbel­ts along boundaries.

Allow only essential people into areas with young stock. Have a separate set of farm clothing/boots to wear around young stock and clean them regularly.

Match frequency of inspection­s to periods of higher risk, such as calving or lambing, increased insect and feral animal activity, and after rain events or natural disasters.

Agricultur­e Victoria is hosting a number of biosecurit­y planning workshops and webinars over the next few months. Visit agricultur­e.vic. gov.au/events for details.

For more informatio­n visit the biosecurit­y page on the Agricultur­e Victoria website: agricultur­e.vic.gov.au/biosecurit­y

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