Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Three wins for junior sides


Gippsland United secured three wins and a draw in Pre-NPL junior action on the weekend.

PRE-NPL Under 12s: Gippsland United defeated Barton United 6-1

After taking a moment to adjust to the challengin­g pitch, United opened the scoring via Isaac Sharp, putting them 1-0 up.

Sid Box and Blake Breheny controlled the midfield, supplying Dino Grbic, Isaac Sharp and Hudson Reiss with scoring opportunit­ies, who took full advantage, going in 3-0 at half-time.

Ryan Ogg, Lewis Manzo, Beckham Bremner and keeper Romeo Vitale took care of business down back, almost keeping a clean sheet.

Harry Lee and Lucas O'Dowd provided run and carry up the wings, with Gippsland able to pile on another three goals in the second half to post a confidence building win. This made it two in a row.

Goals: Isaac Sharp 3, Dino Grbic 2 and Harry Lee 1. Player of the match: Isaac Sharp.

PRE-NPL Under 13s: Gippsland United defeated Dandenong City 5-2

On the road again is starting to become the theme song for the boys, with this week's destinatio­n being Dandenong City.

United was keen for redemption after a high scoring game in round one that didn't go their way.

From the first whistle, it was on. United settled quickly and started to dominate possession and play, but could not find the back of the net.

Strong work in the middle from Diwa, Sharp and Goodwin went unrewarded. Whiting was injected into the game and not long after he calmly buried one into the back of the net from long range to give United the lead, 1-0.

After repelling a resurgent City for the last 10 minutes of the half, the boys went into the break 1-0 up.

The second half was a goal fest, with six goals scored between both teams, four of which came from the United boys.

There were five individual goal scorers for the game in Whiting, Semmens, Clay McCann-Diston, Noppert and Anderson. The defensive trio of Halket-Dobson, Robson and Roberts held firm.

JBNPL Under 14s: Gippsland United drew Manningham United Blues 1-1

United had a slow start in its home game on Sunday, with the boys lacking their usual starting energy.

At times a scrappy match, United seemed unable to find their teammates' boots and clear the ball from the middle during the first half.

After the half-time break, the boys returned to the field with renewed enthusiasm.

Striker Jett Koppen played strongly throughout the match, taking several shots at goal that unfortunat­ely didn't find the net. Manningham managed to break through Gippsland's defence early in the second half to score the first goal of the match.

United quickly rallied, found their flow and played the final 20 minutes of the game with the intensity and drive. Midway through the second half, Mitch Dastey took a beautiful free kick which sailed over Manningham's defence towards the goal. Hamish Crosbie leaped and managed a well-judged header straight past the keeper to even the score.

In defence, Ethan Bruce worked incredibly hard, ably backed up by Declan Paku and goalkeeper Harrison Ritchie.

JBNPL Under 18s: Gippsland United defeated Manningham United 2-0

Gippsland came to the park off the back of a tough 4-0 loss at Kingston.

In Morwell on Sunday, they faced equal top of the table Manningham who had scored a minimum of three goals every game.

Gippsland opened full of confidence, before a great cross from Leeton Hili sent Ethan Biljna in on goal. They had opened the scoring inside the first 10 minutes for a surprise early lead.

United slowed the game down, defending brilliantl­y as a unit and tried to get into half-time leading. Manningham created chances, with saves coming from goalkeeper Jared Goodwin, who tipped a closerange volley onto the crossbar and kept Gippsland in the lead at half-time.

Although Manningham continued to dominate, substitute Monday Cholelel pounced on a defensive error and doubled the home side's advantage.

Manningham pressed the Gippsland defence until the final whistle came. However, United celebrated their second victory this season, securing their second clean sheet on what was a memorable day.

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