Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin - Property

Pole house has plenty of potential


IT was with an open mind that Jutta and Andreas Pilz bought an acreage block in Mudgeeraba 31 years ago. The half hectare of land cost them just $57,000, but there was a reason why it was so cheap – it was on a steep slope with only a small plateau on which to build.

However, the couple, an artist and hospitalit­y developer respective­ly, felt the block had far more potential.

Sure enough, among the trees at the bottom of the block they discovered a creek bed, beside which they built their unique pole home with the help of Brisbane architect Donald Spencer.

“He designed it to blend in with the mountain behind us, which is why it has an unusual roofline. It goes in the same direction as the mountain,” Jutta said.

“It has an Asian look to it and a bit of Scandinavi­an. We were very pleased with the outcome.”

Initially, Jutta’s art studio was located on a concrete slab underneath the 20m towering stilts, but over time the Pilzes enclosed the area and turned it into additional living spaces.

They also added a short-term holiday rental lodge slightly higher up the block along with a huge art studio with a caretaker’s residence. Each building has a separate entrance and amenities include a gym, pool, spa and tennis court.

“You will not find anything like this on the Gold Coast,” Jutta said. “It’s very unusual. It’s one of those places where you walk in and think ‘wow’. As you come down into the valley and the birds are singing it just calms you. It’s pure nature.”

Despite the idyllic surrounds, the property is only five minutes from the M1.

Reluctantl­y, Jutta and Andreas, both in their seventies, have to downsize but say they will miss their beloved sanctuary.

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