Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin



MORE than 4000 submission­s commenting on the proposed instrument landing system planned for Gold Coast Airport will be included in a report expected to land on the desk of Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss next month.

The submission­s will be part of a supplement­ary report to Mr Truss’s department, along with Gold Coast Airport’s responses to the comments for and against the technology.

He then has 50 business days to consider the proposal.

Gold Coast Airport boss David Collins said “every single submission would find its way through to Minister Truss”. “We will then provide a report to the minister, including an overall summary of the points made,” he said.

Noise, frequency of use and the impact the new flight path could have on people’s quality of life are the main issues raised by those against the ILS.

The airport argues that of the average 55 flights a day arriving at Coolangatt­a, just three will be required, due to specific Australian flight regulation­s for internatio­nal aircraft, to use the new route in fine weather.

In its efforts to have the technology approved, the Gold Coast Airport will also high- light the fact the ILS is the only precision approach aid used by all airlines likely to operate out of the airport.

Mr Collins this week said he hoped the ILS would be ticked off, regardless of the opposition that had been expressed in the past few months.

“We believe a significan­t number of the issues raised are on the basis of misinforma­tion that has been put out there in the community,” he said.

“We believe the minister will make his decision based on the facts, not on a scare campaign by some people. “We hope he approves it.” Prime Minister Tony Abbott dodged questions on the ILS when he was on the Gold Coast yesterday.

“No decision has been made. It’s simply a matter which is being looked at.”

Submission­s close Monday.

We believe the minister will make his decision based on the facts, not on a scare campaign by

some people



 ??  ?? Gold Coast Airport says ILS is the only system used by all airlines operating out of the airport.
Gold Coast Airport says ILS is the only system used by all airlines operating out of the airport.

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