Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin



We know that a determined athlete such as Sally Pearson would never allow herself to stack on the weight while she recuperate­s from her broken wrist. Besides her selfdiscip­line another impediment to that happening was evident at the opening of the Sea World Resort Convention Centre. When the main meal was served the thick cast on her left hand prevented her from easily holding a fork so eating vast amounts is simply out of the question. The Broken Hand Diet anyone?

Besides his surprise wedding this week, local-made-good Peter Andre has been involved in other activities. Before the wedding to Emily MacDonagh he visited Kenya with the Born Free Foundation in a bid to help protect the wild lion population in east Africa. A patron of Born Free, he made the trip to see the internatio­nal wildlife charity’s ongoing and important conservati­on work to halt the continuing decline of wild lions in Kenya. Peter the Lion Heart.

The Aquis Gold Coast Titans Charity Ball had many high points. Quirky winger Kevin Gordon had a special surprise under his top hat. A fake rabbit was perched atop his head to be revealed every time he dipped his lid. Auctioneer Nigel Long (former Tap Dog with Dein Perry since you asked) managed to extract $11,000 from Justin Fung, CEO of Aquis, for the privilege of having the Titans backline around for a bbq. Coach Neil Henry has enjoyed some interestin­g times this year and desperatel­y needed to feel the love. He wore a Mal Meninga mask to the ball explaining that he wanted to know what it would feel like to be the most popular man in Queensland. One hot ticket item on the night was the pair of diamond earrings donated by Birkbecks Jewellers. The very happy winner was Greg Bird’s wife Becky Rochow.

The Vinnies Community Sleepout was another splendid example of the community getting together to raise money for those less fortunate. Of course, having so many casual acquaintan­ces sleeping in the one area at TSS was always going to be fun. Colin Wheeler from Document Solutions had his technician­s construct two beds from cardboard; one for himself and one for auction which raised $1000 from Rob Molhoek MP. It must have been comfortabl­e because his snoring was loud. Cr William Owen-Jones took delight in noting that Colin’s bed was set up directly underneath a flock of nesting pigeons resulting in a crappy sleep. Well done to all – a total of $72,000 was raised.

Do you know some Coast gossip? Email coastweeke­nd@news.com.au

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