Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin



GYMS across the Gold Coast are bracing for waves of “resolution­aries” vowing to get fit and lose weight in 2018.

Tom Foster, assistant manager of Jetts Palm Beach, which placed in the Bulletin’s Best of the Gold Coast Top 10 gyms list, said it was common for those signing up in January to struggle with sticking to their goals.

“For most people who sign up at the beginning of the year, it’s really about getting out of a slump,” he said.

“And we do everything we can to help them achieve their goals realistica­lly (because) there are definitely people who only last a few weeks or months.”

Mr Foster said one of the main challenges holding people back from getting fit was feeling intimidate­d when walking into a gym.

“The most important thing that will keep people coming back is if they feel welcome when they walk in the door,” he said.

“A lot of them haven’t trained a whole lot before, so we always book them in for a free PT session to make them feel more comfortabl­e and self sufficient in the gym.

“We also have systems in place to touch base with new members … we try to offer as many chances as we can to help people stay on track.

“We’re actually starting to see a really wide demographi­c coming in (around the New Year), it’s not just ripped guys looking at themselves in the mirror. We just had a lady in her 80s join and she comes in for a 30-minute walk on the treadmill.”

Coomera Waters lifestyle coach Sally Thibault said there was a science behind why we struggle to stick to our resolution­s.

“We make the decision about wanting to implement these huge life changes from the rational side of the brain but most of our decisions come from the emotional side of the brain,” she said.

“So when it comes down to it, old habits feel safer for us.

“Most people want to make big changes straight away, but it’s not just about setting goals, you need to have a solid plan behind them.”

Ms Thibault said January was a difficult time to overhaul your lifestyle – particular­ly on the Gold Coast.

“January is tough because it’s so hot on the Gold Coast and of course everyone has decided they’re going to get to the gym and lose weight,” she said.

“It’s important you create a vision of what your resolution will look like, and when you’re having a hard day that’s what you can look to.”

 ??  ?? Coomera Waters lifestyle coach Sally Thibault.
Coomera Waters lifestyle coach Sally Thibault.

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