Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin



1. In The Day of the Jackal, who is the target of the assassin?

2. Which artist is best known for his brightlyco­loured paintings of Australian landmarks?

3. Which band asked “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?” in 1982?

4. In 1958, electronic­s whizz William Higinbotha­m FUHDWHG WKH ¿UVW ZKDW QDPLQJ LW ³7HQQLV IRU 7ZR´"

5. What is the longest common word starting and ending with the letter w?

6. Arch, whorl and loops are all parts of what?

7. Whose body lies a-mouldering in the grave while his soul goes marching on?

8. Is an oxter someone who drives a bullock team, a small pen for weasels and stoats, or a Scottish term for the armpit?

9. Julian Assange has been living in which South American country’s London embassy since 2012?

10. Where did a bathyspher­e go in 1934, setting a record that stood until 1949?

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