Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Driver busted 11 times

- LEA EMERY lea.emery@news.com.au

A PLASTERER who was caught drunk behind the wheel for the eleventh time has been banned from holding a licence until 2023.

Lance Christian Larsen, 48, had previously been convicted for drink driving five times in Western Australia, four times in Queensland and once in the Northern Territory.

He faced Southport Magistrate­s Court yesterday and pleaded guilty to yet another drink driving charge and for driving while his licence was disqualifi­ed.

Magistrate Kay Philipson warned Larsen he needed to “wake up to himself”.

“It is extremely concerning that you have this very long history of drink driving,” she said.

Larsen was caught by police with a blood alcohol reading of 0.104 per cent in Cotlew Street, Ashmore, about 6.45am on December 20. He told officers he was trying to get to work.

Larsen had been banned in May last year from driving until April 2020.

Ms Philipson yesterday extended the ban for another three years. She also sentenced Larsen to three months prison, suspended for nine months, and placed him on probation for a year.

Ms Philipson urged him to get help for his alcoholism.

“I would hate to think what your liver looks like,” she said.

Ms Philipson said Larsen was lucky his alcoholism had not caused him more problems.

Larsen’s lawyer, Michael McMillan, of McMillan Criminal Law, said Larsen worked full-time as a plasterer. He said he would benefit from supervisio­n in the community to help with his alcohol problem.

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