Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin




What sort of attributes do you look for and admire in a player?


Besides the obvious, talent, one of the things that has really impressed about the club and the playing group at the moment is they are very honest. They are very honest about where we sit on the ladder and where we are as a club overall.

I love that honesty because with honesty comes great learning. So honesty and ability, those are the traits that I really look at in individual­s because then you have got a person – not a player – who is going to get better.


There have been so many amazing players over the years. Who are the best you have played with or seen?


Wally (Lewis) was one. Andrew Johns was another. Darren Lockyer. Johnathan Thurston, Cameron Smith, Billy Slater, Bradley Clyde, Lau- rie Daley, Ricky Stuart. I have been really lucky for my whole career that I have played with some of the best players that have ever graced the field and been involved as coach. The person I haven’t really had much time with is Andrew Johns but I admired him from afar.


You were part of a special era at the Raiders. You must have some great memories?


We’re still reminiscin­g and we’re still mates even though we don’t see each other that much. That’s what sport, that’s what success, brings. You go from club to club sometimes but when you have a successful organisati­on, you have people hanging around a bit longer and they really create great friendship­s not only with the men in there but certainly the families as well.

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