Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin



Q Is it nice to be able to stay relatively anonymous throughout the Olympic cycle?

A Flying under the radar definitely has its perks as you don’t have as much unnecessar­y pressure, but in an Olympic year we certainly don’t fly under the radar. So we know what it’s like to race with attention and without attention and I honestly don’t think it affects our performanc­e at all.

Q How close is the whole team at Paddle Australia? Do you all hang out outside of training?

A Our group of athletes (right) at the moment are unreal. We are all great friends and some are like family to me. Most weeks we’re at Woody and AB’s house (Jordan and Alyce Wood) for a cook up, catching up casually on the weekends or at the very least coffee shop hopping during the week.

Q Is there any dirt to dish on Alyce “AB” Wood in terms of quirks at training or while in action?

A She is 100 per cent not a morning person, which can be hilarious because I am the complete opposite.

Pushing her buttons in the morning is pretty easy but once she’s had her second coffee post session she’s good to go.

Q Are you an odd couple, as I imagine you have to get along well for all that training?

A AB and I are similar but also very different. We have the same hardwork ethic and drive to better ourselves each day. When racing comes around we are both lightheart­ed and relaxed but she has a “way more organised’’ brain. She helps me stay on task and makes sure we are ticking the boxes at the right times before we get on the water. She is pretty special to me.

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