Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Stalker threatens girl, mum


A GOLD Coast man terrorised a teenage girl for two weeks with threatenin­g text messages, promises to kill her boyfriend and by sending her pictures of her location.

Kevin Andrew Anderson Clarke also bombarded the mother of the 17-year-old girl with Facebook posts and was found with screenshot­s from the Facebook account of the girl’s grandmothe­r.

The 23-year-old pleaded guilty in the Southport Magistrate­s Court yesterday to unlawful stalking and possessing utensils related to drugs.

Magistrate John Costanzo sentenced Clarke to two years probation.

The court was told the pair met in May last year but the relationsh­ip soured and on August 24 Clarke began to send threatenin­g messages.

He claimed he left a ring with the girl who said she did not have it.

Clarke then began messaging her, including threats to kill himself, promises to kill her boyfriend, telling her he would report her to police for stealing and calling her names.

He would also track her location through social media platform Snapchat and then send her screenshot­s showing where she was.

The girl went to police twice before Clarke stopped.

“She was severely harassed and she was quite clearly very concerned for herself,” Mr Costanzo said.

“You would not desist. “You did not stop to think about any long-term detriment that you have to the victim.”

As part of the probation orders, Mr Costanzo ordered Clarke undergo regular drug testing, counsellin­g and assessment to determine if he needed to be in a domestic violence program.

A restrainin­g order was put in place, barring Clarke from contacting the girl.

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