Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin




What are your passions away from sailing when you find the time?


I’m interested in property developmen­t. I did a Masters of project management and a Masters of property developmen­t. I’m involved in a few small-scale projects, 10-15 units. I enjoy doing the investment and finding sites and doing feasibilit­y in that space. Other than that, I grab every minute I can to spend time with my kids. The hard part is I spend half the year away so the rhythm and routine at home is pretty set with the kids, so I just try to match that as best I can. I speak to my kids twice a day but I know I miss a lot of kid moments but that’s part of being an athlete on the road, living your dreams.


What sort of dad do you try to be for your kids?


I don’t know actually. Obviously loving, supporting and trying to provide a good role model. I think the Olympic sailing environmen­t is quite a natural course. Being supportive, being with them, being in the moment.


When retirement from sailing does come will the sport continue to be a part of your life?


It’d be pretty hard to not be involved in the sport. As for how that looks, whether in a management role or coaching or social role, I don’t know. I’ll have to see how this year goes. I know in six months it will really come to a head. I guess that’s the benefit of having the Games and really focusing on that as it gives you the ability to defer that as much as possible.

 ??  ?? Mat and his wife Rike.
Mat and his wife Rike.

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