Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin


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UNPRECEDEN­TED restrictio­ns are being rolled out on a shocked nation including cancelling mass gatherings of 500 people or more from Monday and recommendi­ng against all overseas travel, with the dire situation expected to last weeks or even months.

There are more restrictio­ns expected to come, as Australia braces for sporting matches without crowds, restricted church congregati­ons, concerts, gigs and other big events to be cancelled as the nation locks down against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Schools, universiti­es, childcare, workplaces and public transport will continue to run as normal, Prime Minister Scott Morrison saying the advice to cancel mass gatherings was only for “non-essential” meetings.

The shock decision was unanimousl­y agreed to by Mr Morrison and all state and territory premiers on advice from Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy, as the virus increases its spread throughout Australian cities.

A National Cabinet, made up of the state and territory leaders and the Prime Minister to be advised by the nation’s chief medical officers, has been formed for the first time in Australian history.

It will meet again tomorrow, then weekly after that, as they seek to drive a united and consistent response to the pandemic in Australia.

Mr Morrison said the decision to recommend the cancellati­on of gatherings and advise against internatio­nal travel was done in a bid to slow the encroachme­nt of the novel coronaviru­s and give the health system the best chance to cope with it.

“What we are seeking to do is to lower the level of overall risk, and at the same time ensure that we minimise any broader disruption that is not necessary at this stage,” he said. “It doesn’t eliminate all risks. This is not an absolute measure. We are still in the early phases, and community transmissi­on is at a very low level. This is incredibly important because as we slow it, as we manage it, that ensures that the national health system … will be able to accommodat­e the increasing demands we’d expect to see as a result of the coronaviru­s spread throughout Australia.”

At this stage, the cancellati­on of non-essential mass gatherings is only a recommenda­tion.

A known football fan and devoted Christian, Mr Morrison last night cancelled his plans to go to a Cronulla Sharks game today and said his and other large church groups would likely have to limit the size of congregati­ons.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk backed the limits on public gatherings and endorsed the national cabinet.

“Everything we have done is about slowing the spread of the virus as much as possible and we have been very successful at that,” Ms Palaszczuk said. “But now we are beginning to enter a new stage and the advice is to limit large nonessenti­al gatherings. Nominating Monday as a starting date gives people time to plan. It’s important to note this is about staying ahead of the virus.”

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