Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin



TEXT: 0416 905 148

ALL those who think the $750 to pensioners and others is a bad idea, please hand yours back. Rocket

When is our media going to stop makeing us the joke of the world? People stop buying toilet paper. Buy dried goods like pasta, rice, tinned food. Lee

The World Health Organizati­on estimates there are 1 billion seasonal flu cases worldwide and up to 650,000 deaths every year and we are losing our s**t over over the coronaviru­s. Why didn’t we do the same with all the others? Because the media didn’t hype it up like they are doing now. They are the problem.

I’m a hard worker who has payed taxes for 40 years. The government screw me and many others but now they are giving dole bludges $750 for what? I’m voting independen­ts this time. Stuff Liberal and Labor.

Where in blazes did this $17 billion for the virus crisis come from when the ages care, the homeless and the fire victims, just to name a few concerns, are absolutely major issues in Australia and have been for some time. And to cap it all off we the taxpayers are asked continuall­y to dig deeper into empty pockets. What a rip-off. Doug

If it had been a movie extra with this virus rather than Forest Gump, would there have been so much hype? Tom Hanks should not be treated any differentl­y than the normal population. Wow. The Gold Coast loves a drama. I do wish him a full recovery along with all other people infected here and throughout the world. Diz

Re: Cobblers and Old Crocks comments about Mark of MKR (29/2). It serves you right for watching, nobody else does. Sinbad

The hide of Cameron Caldwell, to say the decision was made and we all have to live with it, regarding the Yatala lights. We didn’t have a chance to vote to have it or not. Not like you imbecile. Sid

Ohhh No...! The Tattoo League is starting again...big blokes with big tattoos and small you know what.

John Brew. The taxes paid by alcoholics and chain smokers do not even come close to covering the cost they incur on the community, let alone the health care costs alone. Other besides direct health care costs involve lost productivi­ty through less productive work (smokers are less productive), time off work (smokers average more

than double the amount of sick leave) and shortened working life (average approx 10 years shorter than non smokers). Quizzbird

Has anybody tested the air by the rockets fired from North Korea lately. If they have anything to do with this virus pandemic there will be hell to pay from both the Chinese and the rest of the world. Conspiracy believer

Wow. Ian Timmins has solutions for everything. I look forward to him standing at next state election. Curly Bells

You sleepless idiot, your 100 lost hrs a year is a small price to pay for 45 odd trucks trying to work in traffic and all the other obstacles on the roads like idiots. In the old days we started at 4am, no one complained, job done safely. Retired garbo

Re: Council elections & Cvirus: will they be postponed, if not will we be fined if don’t vote & do we even have to if our div councillor is unopposed? Social Distancing, Burleigh

Attended the Division 10 forum at Kurrawa Surf Club on Tuesday night. It was helpful hearing from the 7 candidates but it did mean it limited the number of questions that could be asked. One question that we didn’t get to was in regard to the proposed Surfers South Oceanway. This pathway concept has many many issues for local residents and the GCCC need to listen. We do no want a roadway on the beach in front of our properties. Division 12 residents have clearly stated they don’t want a pathway in front of their properties also. Please listen GCCC and use the money for other more practical projects.

Taking into account the past 3 years, all I can say to residents in Division 4 who vote for Cameron Caldwell is jolly good luck! You’ll hear from him at election time but that’s about it. Dr J

I thought the community Facebook pages were for the benefit of the community. One southern councillor is flexing her muscles and asking for any unflatteri­ng posts to be removed by administra­tors. Apparently 20 plus years in office is not enough. Censorship rather than robust debate.

So this pathetic Qld Government are going to get tough on these gutless peanut kids stealing cars and attacking others. Did the Gold Coast courts not get the memo? Some 14-year-old flea chases a kid and steals money from him and laughs at detention threat, and the magistate says no conviction to be recorded. That will teach these scumbags won’t it? NOT!

Taxpayers get no stimulus particular­ly low income earners. Why is the $750 just for people who are on welfare. There are workers who struggle week to week too.

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