Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

TEXT: 0416 905 148


HAVING a great laugh at all these academics and others on TV making sure they are sitting in front of a bookcase to be interviewe­d. And noticed all the on-location reporters are still an average nine out of 10, (male & female), no jobs for me then. Bigdog Upper Coomera

I can remember being bought up ‘with sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never break me’... in today’s global mess a lesson for everyone to adhere to perhaps. Doug

Re: volunteer firefighte­rs asked to patrol Qld border. Who next, surf lifesavers? Johnbrew

Yeh I agree with Tim Costello re: gambling and alcohol ads as well but you have to be 18+ for those. I find ads with footballer­s with their jumpers on eating fast food hamburgers more distressin­g, brain washing kids at a young age. L.B.C. Parkwood

This Sunday the Premier announces an immediate lifting of restrictio­ns whereby 20 people in a venue is lifted to 100 people. That is the rumour around Qld parliament. – John

These judges who give bail or suspended sentences should be made to pay for court costs and fines of offenders who reoffend, maybe then they’ll think more about their decisions! PalmyPunka

Qld doesn’t need borders open to start recovering. The Morrison LNP is what is killing us. People want to get out to help hospitalit­y, kids want to use their yearly passes, we can move around our state with border closed but Morrison is making business die over dumb only 20 people in a place rule. jk

Priests in Sydney. On JobKeeper have been asked to donate half of their payment back to the Catholic Church! Does the church pay tax?

Now that the tinnies have been removed from Labrador I suppose the ones on the foreshore just east of the Southport Yacht Club will go too. They are right next to the walking track and an eyesore, but wait, do we need one complaint to council first. Geoffrey.

Some folk have “forgivenes­s” pummelled into them repeatedly from their first breath of life. They also, can commit the most horrific atrocities in life, walk into a church box, confess their sins and walk away free. Um???

Magistrate Michelle Dooley granted bail (to Thomas Grundy) but with a stern warning. He had bail granted just 24 hours before he broke into a

home, stole a car, drive without a licence. I’ll bet he was shaking in his boots about this “stern warning” before being granted bail again! Words fail me. John Mc

Really confused as to while we are all trying to stay Covid safe, only 1 pen has been passed around to customers to write their details. Every coffee shop I have been to has done this, passing from my hands to two elderly ladies next table and so on. Sure way of spreading the virus. Mermaid Waters

The anonymous writer to Chatroom criticisin­g ScoMo for doing nothing on Aboriginal matters, you are talking rubbish!! On Jan 22nd Scott’s father died, but he still went ahead the next day with a planned meeting with 50 Aboriginal leaders, the first PM ever to invite & meet indigenous leaders in Canberra to listen to them. Get the facts straight! Todd

Grubs. Apparently that is offensive and unparliame­ntary language. Who does it offend? If he said “teenage crims” instead or “young thugs” would that be offensive too? Maid in Miami

Volunteer firefighte­rs manning the border ... will they have to show blue card to drivers with children in vehicle? Get staff from the bloated public service. Volunteers are exactly that ... volunteers. What a lack of govt respect for them. How fortunate is the community that they continue to look after us. Flicka

Former Premier Campbell Newman lost the unlosable election, with an Australian record for the number of seats lost in one go! He is an expert at both losing leadership and losing elections! And now he’s giving electoral advice? Campbell, please stay out of it. Palasczuk is far more likely to be kidnapped by aliens, than she is to win the next election. Bruce Cramond.

If there should be a so called ‘second wave’ then businesses and the tourist sector can ‘wave goodbye’ to any hope of a quick rebound of fortunes. Keep the border closed! Dr J

The juvenile criminals should have their sentences post dated so if they reoffend before they turn jail age, they automatica­lly serve the time for all crimes committed in the big house once at jail age.

Oh, how did I know that Maree, ‘retired teacher of 42 years’ would have taught at a private school. Her views on climate change are archaic, and I will bet she was never a science teacher. Calling someone else ‘self-opinionate­d’ is a joke! Diamond

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