Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Sense of foreboding after many months of sacrifice


OVERWHELME­D, sad, depressed and now frightened.

I’m not sure how everyone else is feeling but today is not a good day for me and I’m guessing for many others especially those in Victoria where I have heard numbers as high as 700 in the last 24 hours.

I’m not sure what is happening down south but whatever government is doing, it’s not working.

Sydney is now also affected, again all the good work and sacrifice the majority of the public have practised, now gone due to a few irresponsi­ble actions and may I also add answerable behaviour by a stubborn NSW Premier choosing not to close her borders when Victoria were in the midst of a huge community outbreak.

For the past six-seven months most Australian­s have sacrificed much.

Jobs lost, livelihood­s taken, businesses lost and family members many left to die alone.

Some hadn’t seen family, parents, grandparen­ts, kids and grandkids for months. We practised self-isolation, door step food drop-offs to family and friends and those most vulnerable, weren’t permitted outside to sit in a park or even go to the beach.

We weren’t to travel outside our suburb or venture beyond a certain kilometre limit.

We stopped travelling, visiting family and friends, stopped hugging our loved ones, celebrated “iso” birthdays via Facetime and watched Easter come and go without a church or family get together.

Those in nursing homes not allowed visits and now it’s found obviously neglected due to many excuses, none of which I believe to be valid.

We were unable to shop except for essentials, didn’t exercise at our local gyms, home schooled, social distanced and sanitised ourselves until our hands couldn’t grasp anything.

Wore masks when we were in public which was only when deemed necessary. We did this without complaint or tantrums. We did this because we knew we had to keep ourselves and the people we love safe.

However, despite all this sacrifice and partly due to the irresponsi­ble and reckless behaviour of many, including state government­s, we now find ourselves on the brink of a potential nightmare here in Queensland.

I feel deflated, discourage­d and extremely angry.

Angry at the anti-maskers, the anti-vaxers, the quarantine stuff-ups, the people who think it’s OK for them to put others’ lives at risk, those who choose not to isolate or quarantine, the conspiracy theorists, the BLM protestors, the shoppers who think it’s more important to pop into Myer to purchase an air fryer then to keep others safe, but most of all I’m angry and disappoint­ed at the Government for allowing this complete debacle to unfold before their eyes.

If people are to isolate, stop travelling, stop visiting open shopping centres, wear a mask, only go out when essential – then make them!

These young girls who went from Melbourne to Sydney then to Brisbane with false documentat­ion were the straws that broke this camel’s back.

With our family struggling against idiotic and irresponsi­ble behaviour by anti everything and everyone both in Victoria and Sydney, we now find ourselves in Queensland struggling the same battle yet again.

Am I angry? Damn right I am.

We all have a right to feel damn angry.

Today is not a good day for me but here’s hoping there are better days ahead for all of us. Do the right thing people. Stay safe and think of others. It’s pretty damn simple if you ask me. Rant over.

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