Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin




I’m writing this article while overseas … well sort of … I’m actually sitting in Hobart, Tasmania, where Nick and I are having a short break.

It’s the first time we’ve visited Tasmania though it’s been on our wish list for a while so, when our trip to NZ got cancelled last year we decided to set our sights on other cooler destinatio­ns south.

Clearly we weren’t the only ones though; many others had made a similar decision, taking advantage of the open borders, for now anyway.

This is our third day; we love what we have seen and experience­d so far and we’ve been pleasantly surprised by the beautifull­y sunny and surprising­ly warm weather with a cool light breeze.

Looking at the forecast in advance, we both packed generous amounts of merino layers, little believing that 24 degrees would actually feel like 24 degrees and are now thinking some linen would have been handy.

For someone like me who likes to have choice in all things, particular­ly when it comes to clothing, one of the perils of travel is that sometimes I have the perfect outfit for the circumstan­ces … at home.

This version of me is far removed from the intrepid backpacker who happily carried her life on her back for 12 months, but then again that was 25 years ago and a lot of other things have changed in that time too.

Back to now.

Everyone so far seems very welcoming and friendly and genuinely delighted that the travellers are back visiting again and they are in vast numbers.

Crowds at all of the favourite sights are all being well behaved and following COVID regulation­s as instructed.

Yesterday we visited the Museum of Old and New Art, which is just a short, scenic ferry trip away, which was intriguing, challengin­g, confrontin­g and confusing by turns and worth a visit for the surrounds and the astounding architectu­re of the place even if the artwork is not your style.

Salamanca Markets this morning were fantastic.

I have always loved markets of all kinds and seek them out wherever I am.

I don’t necessaril­y buy much, but love the hustle and bustle, the colour, the wonderfull­y fresh produce and eclectic mix of fresh produce, locally made items, stallholde­rs and visitors.

All senses being stimulated in a rich experience is such a pleasure.

This afternoon we ventured up to Kunanyi/Mount Wellington through the different styles of vegetation to the peak and made the most of the clear view and fresh temperatur­es again being enjoyed by many people and possibly the best view from any public toilet I have found yet.

Add to all of that the variety of cafes and restaurant­s to suit most tastes and budgets, we’re enjoying our time so far, as you can tell.

What Nick and I both realise is how much we love to travel together and have missed it, not just the travel for work or a quick trip to Brisbane, because that’s different, but the longer distance and going somewhere new/ different kind of travel; maybe you have too.

We have been very fortunate to have been able to travel internatio­nally before and intend to again, when we can.

Having said that we also recognise that living in Mackay, like other regional towns, has a lot to offer and being based there has suited us well.

My point is that, many of us may have felt a little stir crazy this past 12 months, so taking the opportunit­y to experience somewhere new, a change of scene, however short and wherever you can get to, can really help to refresh, reinvigora­te and restore some of our perspectiv­e on life.

What the reopening of domestic borders offers us all is the opportunit­y to explore more of Australia and support other communitie­s to get back on their feet, doing what they do best, welcoming travellers of all sorts.

Where will be first on your list?

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