Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Nats leader: We must have order in the house


NATIONALS leader Michael McCormack has described the events that are alleged to have taken place in Parliament House as “abhorrent” while calling on parliament­arians and staff to “do better”.

In a keynote speech to be delivered to Nationals delegates gathered in Canberra for the 2021 Federal Conference on Saturday, Mr McCorhomew­ork. mack will address the behaviour that has rocked the government, declaring it unbefittin­g of parliament.

“Australia’s house of national democracy and debate has been mired in the behaviour of those who do not represent our values,” he said.

“Behaviour of this nature needs to stop. We need to respect each other, why we have been sent to Canberra and what we were sent here to do.

“No female, no person, should ever feel unsafe in their workplace. No person should tolerate harassment or behaviour they feel inappropri­ate. We can all do better and we must do better.”

Mr McCormack said the behaviour witnessed was not befitting of parliament “and this is gut-wrenching”.

This was especially so given the vast majority of staff, members and senators who worked in Canberra were hardworkin­g and honourable, he said.

The speech comes as the federal government grapples with the fallout of multiple allegation­s involving inappropri­ate behaviour, including staff sharing lewd images, videos and performing a sex act on a female MP’s desk.

None of the allegation­s to date have involved federal Nationals MPs.

 ??  ?? Michael McCormack.
Michael McCormack.

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