Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin



BEING a self-confessed control freak has stood senior reporter and news anchor Amanda Abate in good stead … except for when she was thrown a curve ball by the early arrival of her first child Bobby.

The 35-year-old had an amazing pregnancy and was feeling in a great place both physically and mentally, with a fully stocked and laid out nursery. She felt completely ready for the next chapter of her life.

Amanda’s baby shower started with much fanfare, in anticipati­on of Baby Beauchamp’s arrival in four weeks’ time. But like the industry she’s devoted her life to, things can change in a split second.

The child she’s always dreamt of, decided that January 9 would be his birth date and Amanda went into spontaneou­s labour.

“It was at that point I realised all of this is now completely out of my control, and that’s really hard for someone used to being in control,” says the Seven Gold Coast News presenter.

Bobby Serafino Beauchamp graced the world weighing 2.98kg, a gift to Amanda and husband Brent Beauchamp, who were fortunate to fall pregnant after just one round of IVF.

Amanda says she was warned by virtually every mother she knew that nothing could prepare her for having a baby and “they were absolutely right”.

Soon after his arrival, Bobby was in pain. After a range of specialist appointmen­ts a “craniosacr­al therapist suggested it was my milk upsetting Bobby’s tummy, and funnily enough, the most significan­t improvemen­t came when I stopped breastfeed­ing”.

“I’ve since cut dairy and soy from my own diet to see if I can continue breastfeed­ing once his gut heals, but if not, that’s fine too. I’m just relieved he is thriving.”

Despite her own challenges, Amanda says she knows there’s so many families doing it a lot tougher than hers.

She’s back at Seven on Fridays, with Bobby looked after by his adoring Nonna and Pa.

Amanda says new mums needed support and people around them, and she’s not sure how she would have managed without family close by and a very supportive husband, who is great with Bobby and reminds her every day she’s doing a good job.

“Those mums doing it alone or without much support, you have my utmost respect.”

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