Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Parking spat ends in court


A FORMER cave diver called his neighbour a “fat bitch” and pushed her to the ground during a stoush over parking.

Lachlan Ngaparu Carline then shoved the woman’s husband when he tried to call police.

The fight started when the woman confronted Carline for parking in the driveway of their Primrose Court, Hollywell, home last December.

The 37-year-old pleaded guilty in the Southport Magistrate­s Court on Friday to two counts of common assault.

He claims he parked in the driveway because the couple had moved out and he needed more room for his five cars.

Prosecutor Bob Falconer said one of the victims arrived home to find Carline’s car parked in his driveway.

The man spotted his wife talking to Carline at his home across the road.

Carline yelled: “Get the f*** off my property.”

Mr Falconer said Carline came out of his home and pushed the woman to the grass. Carline then yelled: “You are a fat bitch, get off my property.”

The woman’s husband tried to call triple-0 but Carline pushed him, knocking his phone from his hands.

He grabbed the man’s shirt and pulled it over his head.

Neighbours intervened and called police.

The court was told Carline was jailed in January this year because the offence breached a parole order he was on for driving while his licence was disqualifi­ed. He spent seven months behind bars.

Magistrate Joan White found Carline guilty of assault but ordered no further punishment due to the time Carline had spent in prison. No conviction was recorded.

“It is obviously an aberration (of your character) but a very serious aberration to act in the way you did,” she said.

Defence lawyer Demi Quadrio, of Gatenby Criminal Lawyers, said at the time of the assault Carline had five cars and did not want to park them all on the street.

She said the complainan­ts had moved out so he parked a car in their driveway to get the vehicles off the street.

Ms Quadrio said the time in prison meant Carline had lost everything, including his home, cars and trucks in his courier business.

He also missed the birth of his child while in prison.

Ms Quadrio said Carline had previously worked as a cave diver for National Geographic.

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