Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin




1 Which large extinct elephant of the Pleistocen­e epoch had a hairy coat and long curved tusks? (7)

4 What Middle Eastern dish of spiced rice or wheat might include meat and vegetables? (5) 7 What gave buoyancy to the first lifejacket­s? (4)

8 What is the art of designing and making clocks? (8)

10 Who holds the record of 16 Academy Award nomination­s for Best Screenplay? (5,5)

12 What is someone who makes beer? (6)

13 What is pickled roe of the sturgeon fish? (6) 15 What is a finger of calcium carbonate hanging from the roof of a limestone cave? (10) 18 The male of which sea creature has a brood pouch in which the eggs develop? (3,5)

19 What starchy cereal is obtained from the powdered pith of a palm? (4)

20 How many bottles of wine does a methuselah hold? (5)

21 What is an alternativ­e name for aluminium oxide? (7)


1 The hyacinth species of which bird is the world’s largest parrot? (5)

2 Which long-tailed monkey of the tropical Americas has long curved claws? (8)

3 Which fairground game involves throwing a ring over an object? (6)

4 What is a record of ownership of a work of art? (10)

5 Which is South East Asia’s only landlocked nation? (4)

6 What is a bridge carrying one road or railway line over another? (7)

9 What is the title of Dublin-born Christy Brown’s autobiogra­phy, published in 1954? (2,4,4)

11 Which Pacific country includes the Gilbert and Phoenix islands? (8)

12 What fine plain-weave cotton fabric is used for shirts and handkerchi­efs? (7)

14 In 1959, what became the 49th state of the USA? (6)

16 Which deadly disease was named after a river in Zaire near where the disease was first observed? (5)

17 What is a hollow tooth of a venomous snake? (4)

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