Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin



MESSAGE OF THE DAY: Fish fingers, now that brings back some childhood dinner memories. Where do I find them, I’m craving them already. Try a fish finger sandwich with mayo. You’ll never look back. The Finger

Yes, Tom Tate, it is hard to do things when the rules keep changing, so why was my local pool closed this week? You say the country needs to open up but obviously did no planning for massive outbreaks that were advised would happen. Usual grandstand­ing Tate, there should be no drop in council services and libraries should never close again.

It’s important to remember that all of the issues we currently have in society aren’t because of Covid, but rather our government­s response to it. We need to ask the question: Is the response proportion­ate to the threat?

My wife is currently in the GC Uni Hospital Southport. She was admitted Tuesday night and needed to wait as expected to be accessed. She cannot speak highly enough about the staff, being efficient, friendly and caring. Meanwhile, while waiting she witnessed the complete idiots there being abusive and demanding. One especially who had been in a fight and came off second best. Perhaps we need a separate place for morons. Ron.s

I was down the strops and a bloke was arguing with the young shop assistant about only being allowed to purdiase a limited amount of toilet paper. I stepped in and said 'hey mate no need to crack the sit' *S.

I told my son Anna has said you have to have another 2 weeks school holidays. He said really, yeah he likes Anna. Then I said well that means you can help doing house charm for 2 weeks. He locked at me and said this Anna is so wrong. what's wrong with her.

There is no question that the BBL has lost a lot of its sparkle this season because of smaller crowds due to C.ovid continuing Into the last 2 seasons of competitio­n. I predict that they will take a lot more games to country

towns in future (except derbies and finals) which they appreciate and deserve, as they don’t host test matches out there. As far as I am concerned, it’s time.

Things are so simple when you delete all the sentences/words/excuses etc. 1. Novak’s applicatio­n was false. 2. He blamed someone else. 3. No excuse he signed the form. 4. Send him home now.

Omg Qld has done so good the last 2 years and this is what we end up with 22,000 plus cases from zero. Please go back home if don’t need to be here we want Qld to be safe. The Qld government has kept us safe for the 2 years. And Scomo made our government open the border. Thank you Scott Morrison you have ruined the state of Queensland. And I’m a Liberal voter. You have lost my vote. Goodbye Scomo.

Fumy how you never hear of the common cold or the flu anymore or have the names been changed to Covid and Omicron. Madge

What Covid has shown us is we are such an over-govemed country. The sooner state politics goes the better. And it also shows how selfish and self absorbed in their fantasy world so many people are in the community. 4221.

if I read another 'I'm doing it for our freedom% Fm going to blow a gasket. Your so-caled freedom ended a long time ago when you collected government handouts.

Anthony Albanese has perfected the art of being an expert on everything while in opposition. Jack

Covid parties is that a new name for swingers parties.

What are all the many thousands of defence force personnel doing? We have drivers, nurses, stores, etc. Surely many of these people could be easily brought in to help supply chains and hospitals.

Hermione G, Mudge who is bludging off your preparedne­ss to be vaccinated? Let’s be honest now, even the Pfizer CEO admits their first two shots offer little if any protection, quit patting yourself on the back, you’ve helped no one.

Tommy Tate, flick those silly bikes. They get dumped all over the place and stink up the neighbourh­ood.

Tommy Tate. flick those silly bikes. They get dumped all over the place and stink up the neighbourh­ood. The guy who invented throat lozenges has died. Apparently at his funeral there will be no coffin. John Mc

So some writers on this page find the constant attacks by Mann on our premier funny. Unfortunat­ely they are personal attacks and only to do with this paper's hatred of anything Labor. I wonder if some of those who find him funny could handle the same attacks. BB

Took a drive around Sth Broadbeach off Surf Poe. It looked tenth*. Never thought Ed say this but developers needed desperatel­y.

Since the Covid crisis began, the Morrison government, having appointed a former gas executive to steer its Covid taskforce, has spent far more public money subsidisin­g the gas industry than it will ever spend on RATS. Ajs

So it appears that Albo has done a sponsorshi­p deal with Channel 10’s The Project, with Lisa W & Peter Van O the chief bootlicker­s. So much for unbiased reporting, and it certainly is, as they say, “The News Done Differentl­y”. CAP

Kids get mild symptoms of Covid but can still spread it. Vaccinated kids will get mild symptoms and can still spread it. All teachers are vaccinated. Why are we using our next generation as guinea pigs to a vaccine. That may cause problems later in their lives.

Good on you TJ for not bowing to the pressure of “panic stockpilin­g” loo paper – leaves more for us. And Bulletin will, no doubt, be stoked that 5 more copies were sold! Reckon though, workers at poo plant won’t too much appreciate the onslaught of newspaper that you’ll be sending down the pipes. Plus your bum is going to be covered in newsprint - eeyew! JOB

I have nothing personal against the "Joker" but think rules are rules and if you break them. as he has admitted, then you should be returned home. He may well be Noland a drawcard to the Aust Open. If it was a lesser player fm sure he or she would be denied entry. dud

Lots of ramifies playing happily in the water at Bums Bay at The Spit Doubt the parents would let their children play in there if they were aware of the effluent being discharged from the live aboard boats anchored there. Irresponsi­ble for the Council not to have erected a sign waning of the poor water quality.

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