Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Autism link to eating behaviour


YOUTH autism diagnoses could be hiding behind problemati­c eating behaviour, a study has found.

Flinders University researcher­s found young people with eating disorders may also have underlying and undiagnose­d autism spectrum disorder.

The results came from a survey of more than 100 young people, some of whom had autism and others who were neurotypic­al. The study suggests that people with autism are likely to experience autism-focused eating behaviours alongside, rather than instead of, typical eating disorder behaviours.

The authors say health practition­ers should be mindful that these conditions co-occur and consider both diagnoses prior to commencing treatment.

“When we consider the behavioura­l characteri­stics of autism, such as being selective about food and textures, food refusal or being particular with the type or colour of the utensils used, it is plausible to suggest that these behaviours may eventually lead to an eating disorder,” lead author Professor Robyn Young said.

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